According to legend, the origins of the Tomo-ryu tradition of Shinobijutsu was developed in the Kemmu Restoration as a samurai
tradition that had its primary focus on its use of the short sword (kodachi) as well as several different kobuki (old weapons).
It was during this time (1333-1336) in the Shiga prefecture (known as the Omi Province before the prefectural system was
established) of Japan that Gohei Tomo and two other samurai (Jinsuke Tomo and Senri Akutagawa) developed this method of warfare
to serve as a means of self-protection for their families, their village, and their feudal lord. As Japan entered the Sengoku
period, it was during this time that the art flourished and other areas such as Boryaku (tactics), Choho; (espionage), Intonjutsu
(escaping and concealment), and Zetsumeijutsu (assassination) which then became the strength of this samurai tradition. It
was these methods of guerrilla tactics that would later be known as Tomo-ryu Shinobijutsu.
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Tomo Ryu, Tomo Ryu Shinobijutsu, Tomo Ryu Ninjutsu, Koka Ryu Ninjutsu, Koga Ryu Ninjutsu, Iga Ryu Ninjutsu, Ninja, Ninjutsu,
Ninpo, Historical Ninjutsu, Authentic Ninjutsu, Classical Ninjutsu, Koryu Ninjutsu, Ninjutsu Training, Ninjutsu Techniques,
Shinobi, Shinobijutsu, Koryu, Budo, Bujutsu, Kobudo, Kobujutsu, KoryuBujutsu, Soke Anshu, Anshu Christa Jacobson, Budo Ryu
Kai, Budo Ryu Ninjutsu,