2009 Togakure-ryu Ninpo Taikai

       In this Special 2 Disk DVD, Anshu Christa Jacobson demonstrates various kata from the Togakure Ryu school of Ninjutsu!  This DVD is packed with ancient kata that has been passed down through the generations to present day!  If you are a student of the Togakure Ryu, this is a DVD that you will want to place into your collection!

DVD #1 - DAY 1
This DVD is more technical, teaching more of the base kata, and hand on applications of these ancient strategies!  World Marital Arts Hall of Fame Anshu Christa Jacobson goes into detail on the kata, kuden, understanding and how to apply the kata in real combative situations!   
Chapter    1 - PLAY ALL
Chapter    2 - INTRO
Chapter    3 - UKEMI GATA
                    * Kaeshi Dori
                           * Ken Nagashi
                           * Ichi no Kamae
                           * Itto Dori
                           * Yoko Geri
                           * Itto Geri
Chapter    4 - SANTO TONKO NO KATA
                    * Kata Ude Tonso no Kata
                           * Hidari Tonso no Kata
                           * Hidari Ude Tonso no Kata
                           * Migi Tonso no Kata
                           * Migite Kubisuji Tonso no Kata
                           * Hidarite Kubisuji Tonso no Kata
                           * Ate Komi Tonso no Kata
                           * Kote Uchi Tonso no Kata
                           * Migi Uchi Tonso no Kata
                           * Saya Kumogakure Tonso no Kata
                           * Kosei Kirigakure Tonso no Kata                              
                           * Happo Kirigakure no Kata
Chapter    5 - SHINOBI-IRI
                     * Kuden Understanding
                            * Ko Ashi (short step)
                            * Yoko Aruki (side step)
                            * Nuki Ashi (sweep step)
                            * Soku Ashi (fast step)
                            * Climbing methods with Shuko
Chapter    6 - REFLECTIONS
Aprox: 55mins.

DVD #2 - DAY 2
This DVD is more hands on with modern applications, understanding of real life applications of the 34 generation art!  World Marital Arts Hall of Fame Anshu Christa Jacobson goes into detail on the kata, kuden, understanding and how to apply the kata in real combative situations in the modern day!   
Chapter    1 - PLAY ALL
Chapter    2 - INTRO
Chapter    3 - KAMAE
                    * Ichi no Kamae (with movement drills)
                           * Hira Ichimonji no Kamae (with movement drills)
                           * Hachimonji no Kamae (with movement drills)
                           * Happogakure no Kamae (with movement drills)
                           * Tonso no Kamae (with movement drills)
Chapter    4 - Kihon Happo (Gyokko Ryu)
                    * Ichimonji no Kata (modern applications)
                           * Hicho no Kata (modern applications)
                           * Jumonji no Kata (modern applications)
                           * Omote Gyaku (modern applications)
                           * Omote Gyaku Ken Sabaki (modern applications)
                           * Ura Gyaku (modern applications)
                           * Musha Dori (modern applications)
                           * Ganseki Nage (modern applications)
Chapter    5 - NINPO TAIJUTSU
                     * Kuden Understanding
                            * Classical Kata and placing them in todays combat
Chapter    6 - NINJA BIKEN
                      * Hi Ryu no Ken
                             * Kasumi no Ken
                             * Muso no Ken
Chapter    7 - KYOKETSU SHOGE
Chapter    8 - REFLECTIONS
Aprox: 55mins.

Taikai #7 | Togakure-ryu Ninpo Taikai
No Longer Available
* Placed In Vault *

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